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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Are you a “Yes-man” (or woman)?

All my life I have been very good at saying, “yes!”  As a child, there was no higher praise than the praise I received for helping out or for doing a good turn for someone else. I learned that caring for others was the best way to feel good about myself.

Fast-forward twenty-plus years…I have two teenage children, a husband and a dog. Do you think that I have cared for them?  Of COURSE I have!  I have given them my all and at times more than my all.

I have also worked most of my life.  Since the age of twelve I have had one type of job or another.  I am a GREAT worker!  Employers love to hire me- I give them my all!

Cub Scout leader, Title I board, coach, neighborhood block club organizer, you name it, I have probably joined it.  I help people, I problem solve and get them from point A to point B.  But what happens when you 1. Continue to say “yes” to other people and you want to say no, 2. Don’t let people do things for themselves that they could do for themselves and 3. Don’t make time for yourself?


Resentment can lead to all sorts of, what I call, “sick” thinking.  You start to blame others for your problems, you are angry for seemingly no reason, you try to fix every other person’s problems but your own.  You are NOT happy. 

So, how do you move from the place of resentment to love?  That is what it is, it is SELF-love.  You start caring for yourself most!  At this moment, you might say, “I can’t.  I have young children, I have a crazy job, I have to support my family, or I LIKE putting others first.”  Well, these are all lies, lies we tell ourselves, lies our ego tells us.  These thoughts are NOT our true soul-self, the self that is love-based because the only way we can ultimately, truly care for others and have others care for US is through self-love and once that happens, all the rest is possible.

Deepak Chopra is one good resource for more exploration into healing, balance and transforming your life.

What kind of self-care activity can you do for yourself today?

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